February/March Barista’s Choice

It’s that time again! Our first Barista Highlight and Barista’s Choice drink of 2020 is Pierce a.k.a. Panther, and his White Chocolate Mocha ????????10% of the proceeds for his drink will be donated to MAPS: The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies – a non-profit research and educational organization that develops medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the careful uses of psychedelics and cannabis. Panther’s White Chocolate Mocha will be on this month and all of March – make sure to order one and support a great organization! Read more about Panther, his drink and choice of charity below ????????

Q: Tell us about your baristas choice drink.
A: The White Chocolate Mocha; Ghirardelli white chocolate chips melted under our signature Piedmont espresso, steamed milk, topped with a Ghirardelli milk chocolate whipped cream and dusted with cocoa. This sweet and indulgent drink is perfect for your morning pick-me-up or an after dinner dessert.
Q: What charity are you choosing to donate proceeds of your drink to this month & why?
A: MAPS: The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. This non-profit organization works to develop medical, legal, and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the careful and monitored uses of psychedelics. I’ve had friends and family afflicted by varying mental and physical illnesses that could potentially be treated by medicinal psychedelic means and I believe it is a greatly underutilized and misunderstood field of research.


Q: Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
A: I’ve seen the chupacabra in Carrboro during its migration season
Q: In honor of single’s awareness day this month, what is the worst date you’ve ever been on?
A: In seventh grade I went to see Twilight with my first girlfriend and her dad. She saw some friends in the theatre next to ours and went to talk to them, which lasted the entire movie. I ended up watching Twilight with a dad I didn’t know, then my mom picked me up and I went home.
Q: What is the first concert you ever went to?
A: My parents took my to see the Allman brothers when I was like 1 year old. The first concert I ever chose to go to personally was Fall Out Boy in maybe likeee… 2005?
Q: What’s your favorite drink to order in cafés right now?
A: Double ristretto Piedmont Espresso.
Q: What book(s) are you reading right now?
A: Ripley’s Believe it or Not 2008
Q: Cats or Dogs?
A: I like big cats and little dogs
Q: Beach or Mountains?
A: Beach
Q: Favorite alt. Milk?
A: Soy
Q: Go-to Latte art?
A: Rosetta
Q: Favorite herbal tea?
A: Eight Herb
Q: Favorite Carrboro Coffee Roasters coffee?
A: Edith Meza’s Finca Tasta

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